I am the second child. My older brother, who is 4 months older than me, lives in Roundrock. His name is Jayce.. I usually enjoy school, but this year, my first year in middle school at Kerens, has been kinda rough. I think that things are beginning to smooth out, now that this year is almost over.
Sometimes, my family and I go fishing overnight. We like to sit on the bank around a fire, with poles out trying to catch crappie. It's alot of fun,
Baseball is my favorite thing right now. I am good at it. My Dad, and a friend of his who used to be a relief pitcher for the Chicago Cubs, say that I have alot of natural talent. I have a natural curve ball, and a real good fast ball. I am a good glove, and have a real nose for the game. My hitting is my weak point, but that is getting better. So, if there are any baseball scouts out there looking for raw talent, I am raw, and available. Pick me up and send me to the Rangers. I would give anything to throw a ball to Pudge Rodriguez.
Street address
104 N Sinclair, Kerens, TX, 75144
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